Πολιτική cookies

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). More info about GDPR.

What does cookies are used for?

This website uses only absolutely necessary cookies for the its smooth operation.

Absolutely necessary cookies: Absolutely necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website. Without these cookies, we can not offer efficient and secure operation of our website.

Deleting cookies: Cookies can be enabled and disabled or deleted with the help of the settings options in your web browser. You must do this yourself because cookies are stored on your computer. If you choose to disable cookies, you may find that some sections of the site do not work (properly). An explanation about how to adjust your cookie settings can be found in the ‘Help’ function of your browser.

Cookies that we use:

NameDeveloper and descriptionDurationTypeOther receivers
0636e3bf6ce8fc1513d4e4eb879481fd It has been developed by the community as open source. It is used during the user login. Session Necessary No
joomla_user_state It has been developed by the community as open source. It is used during the user login. Session Necessary No
spcookie_status It has been developed by the community as open source. It is used for cookies preferences. 30 days Necessary No
_GRECAPTCHA It has been developed by Google. It is used during user account actions for the RECAPTCHA tool. 6 mothns Necessary www.google.com